UWC Changshu China offers the IB Diploma Programme in Grades 11 and 12, and a specifically designed preparatory programme in Grade 10 as a building block for the IB Diploma Programme.
UWC Changshu China offers the IB Diploma Programme in Grades 11 and 12, and a specifically designed preparatory programme in Grade 10 as a building block for the IB Diploma Programme.
Zhi Xing are traditional Chinese words for knowledge (Zhi) and activity or social action (Xing).
Living with peers and teachers from around the world and from a variety of backgrounds, is an essential part of the transformation that takes place here.
UWC supports students to take initiative and embrace personal challenge within a supportive environment. Through shared experiences our students learn about themselves and develop a sense of responsibility for others.
UWC challenges you to think for yourself and to take advantage of your personal potential in the context of a diverse community. It is transformational and the start of a lifelong journey.
UWC fosters a culture of social responsibility and volunteering. UWC students are given the responsibility and courage to identify opportunities and take the lead. As alumni, they are equipped to effect change personally, locally, nationally or internationally.
Understanding and respecting our differences as well as what we have in common is at the heart of a UWC experience. The valuable skills that are developed as students remain with UWC alumni throughout their lives, benefiting individuals as well as communities as we address the tensions that...
UWC actively seeks and implements sustainable solutions across the UWC experience. The skills that UWC students gain while engaging with their communities are readily transferable to each subsequent community they become a part of.
After four months of meticulous planning, the 10th Chinese Cultural Evening (CCE) of UWC Changshu China concluded with a resounding success on January 17th!...
Following the success of African and American Culture Weeks, Europe Week took place from December 2nd to 6th, showcasing a range of exciting student-led activities....
What's it like for high school students to attend lectures by Nobel Laureates and have in-depth discussions with them?...
Recently, Paing Thu Thu Khin, a DP2 student from Yangon, Myanmar, was awarded the Rise Scholarship, becoming the first student to receive this honor from UWC Changshu China since the school's founding. This scholarship will provide comprehensive financial support for her future studies and living expenses at the university....
Every UWC graduate carries within them a unique UWC spirit, a spirit that embodies growth, transformation, and a profound exploration of oneself and the world....
Bertha Tobias is from Namibia and a graduate of Class of 2020 of UWC Changshu China. Recently, she was named a 2024 Rhodes Scholar. The Rhodes Scholarship will fund her to pursue a Master of Science degree in Sustainability, Enterprise & Environment at Oxford University next year....
It's remarkable how two weeks can be enough to build a deep connection with strangers. This winter holiday, I experienced exactly that. My host family experience in Shanghai was priceless, offering me a deeper understanding of China and its rich culture....
Faith Abiodun became Executive Director of UWC International in 2021, bringing extensive experience in education and social enterprise. Previously, he spent nearly a decade at the African Leadership Academy (ALA) in Johannesburg, and founding the ALA Model African Union....
Antonio Li, Class of 2024, shares with us his transformative journey and growth over the past three years at UWC Changshu China....
From Hosts to Family: Our Cross-Cultural Journey
Why We Need UWC Today: Insights from the Executive Director
UWC: Unleashing a High School Life Beyond My Wildest Dreams
Life Without Limits: Roaming the Vast World | My UWC Story
Two International Students Experience Chinese New Year
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