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How can there be peace without people understanding each other, and how can this be if they don’t know each other?

Lester B.Pearson

Early supporter of Pearson College, former Prime Minister of Canada, and Nobel Peace Laureate

The striking feature of the UWC is that they embrace the entire world. They are unique and they are conscious of their responsibilities.

Nelson Mandela

Late Honorary President of UWC, Former President of South Africa

We have realized our dream to create a dream school for you. Please go out and realize your dream and other’s dreams.

Wesley Chiu,

Member of UWC National Committee of China, board member of UWC Changshu China

The sense of idealism and a purposeful life really makes the UWC experience unique and its impact life-long.

Wang Yi

Co-Founder, Vice Chairman of Board and Executive Director of Harvard Centre Shanghai. Pearson 89-91

UWC was one of the ten members of the international schools association that created the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva in 1963 … today, they are taken in over 4,000 schools worldwide and have become the gold standard for university entrance.

Sir John Daniel

Chair of UWC International Board and International Council 

I regard it as the foremost task of education to ensure the survival of these qualities: an enterprising curiosity, an undefeatable spirit, tenacity in pursuit, readiness for sensible self-denial and above all, compassion.

Kurt Hahn

German Educator, Founder of United World Colleges

Interview | Our Well Known "No Name" Band

Issue date:2018-06-05

Members of Media Group have been planning for an interview with the Band for a long time, but had always found it difficult to get all the four members in one room for a period of time. All the four band members are in the class of 2018, they are going to Yale University, Princeton University, Bowdoin College and Bucknell University respectively in the fall of 2018. We thought it was very likely that "One World Concert" was the last time that "No Name" band performed at UWC Changshu China before their graduation, so we finally pinned them down and did the interview right after the Concert. We are pleased to bring you the good news that they have plan to come back to UWC Changshu China in future and perform to the community.

Members of the band Tony Wang (China), Joao (Portugal), Adam (Morocco), Bornnie (Zambia)






How the band was formed?

It all happened naturally.  In the first weeks of the School, each one of us was playing music in the music room, then the idea of forming a band came up. All the four of us thought it was fantastic to play together as a band. To be honest, like us, we define us as an improvised band, I mean as IB students, we don’t have much time to rehearse. Luckily, everyone is really talented. For us, it’s like a group of stressed out IB students trying to kill some time after a lot of Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Just have fun.

Four of you come from four different countries. Is it good or not good as a band?

Its fantastic. Music is a universal language, though we speak different native languages. Genres of the music from different backgroud countribute to the diversity. We are united by the music. We learn from each other and can complement each other. We enjoy the beauty of music from diverse cultures.

Adam, can you talk about the band members?

There are so many interesting moments when we play togerther. I found it very funny when we are jamming,trying to put a song together, you have Bornnie who come up with unexpected endings. For example, let’s say we agreed to end in a sharp way, but then you would have Bornnie who makes up his lyrics, and makes his effects on the piano until it ends. Yeah, we agreed to end in a sharp way, but I tink that music also comes with what you want to express, it is not something that can be calculated. For example, in our band, we would put up solos in the performances. I would solo, Joao would solo, Tony would solo, every time we perform, something new comes out, and I think that is very interesting. I really like Bornnie’s lyrics and effects on the piano. Joao, as a bass player, always comes late. But I like when he starts doing sounds with his mouth. It is really funny, and gives some spice to the music. Tony is the drummer, he is on point in every other aspect. He is never late, he always does his job. I just like his passion, when he is drumming he would kind of go crazy.

Do you have any suggestions for people who want to form a band?

I would say don’t be shy to go to other people to ask them about what kind of music they like, don’t be afraid of asking “hey, do you want to play together? For a while, don’t think about it, just let it happen. Don’t think about it. Don’t think that it is something you cannot achieve or it takes time. If you really enjoy music, then I really advice you to do so. Take the initiative, bring people around and say “hey, let’s play music, let’s have fun”. I think it is a good way to take a break from this world of IB and school and academics. It is very relaxing. Music is magic.

Do you want to say a few words to those who support the band?

We want to thank the whole community. It has been two years since we started performing in the school. We have received a lot of feedback. We made a lot of mistakes, and we learnt from them, and we also receive so many positive comments. For example, for today, people would come and say they loved it. Sharing music, for us, is very valuable, to make people feel happy, feel connected and also bring this community together. We would say the support the community gave us in two years is just incredible. I think the school and our music teacher Christoph really opened to any kind of request we had. He is a very nice guy. He helped us sometimes to make things perfect.

As you will be leaving soon, what would you like to say to everyone in the community?

This maybe the last or the second last chance we perform together at UWC. A few months later, we will be in the States, apart from each other, in Yale, Princeton, Bowdoin and Bucknell University. It’s really sad, but the good thing is we have the memories of two years, hopefully we can get together at Schools ten year anniversary. Or we can just get together for the spring break. We really hope that the School has some new bands coming up after we leave

Media Group members with "No Name" Band 

Interview, photo, video: Media Group, Flower Zhao, Matthew Shen, Jack Xu, Stephon Qian, Qianyang Wang.

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